Same. Same. Better!
Knauf is now Siniat in Australia. How and why did that happen? The Etex Group purchased Knauf Australia earlier this year. ‘Siniat’ is the flagship commercial brand in the Etex house.
Moving forward, your favourite PlastaMasta products and services will be transitioning from the Knauf brand to the Siniat brand. Rest assured, the only thing that’s changing is the brand. Products are still manufactured in the same way at the same plants and the formulas of compounds are unchanged.
There will also be no changes to the Siniat Warranty. All warranties and certification issued under Knauf will still be valid under the Siniat brand – it’s just a name change.
We’re in the process of updating our own look to match the Sinat brand – that means a new logo, new signage and a new look for our invoices and statements.
Interested in reading more about Siniat’s history and achievements? Read more about Siniat’s history.
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